Technologies to Support Teaching

When I first started teaching, I didn’t really have a system in place to help me organized all of the things going on in my life. During the summer before my second year of teaching, I knew I needed a change. After exploring a ton of different options for organizing my life, I finally found Erin Condren.  Her planners were right up my alley- colorful and fun! Using a planner helped me to significantly reduce my stress level and manage my time more effectively.

Fast forward to this week.. We have been asked to think about the question, “How can I use technologies to make my life, as a teacher or educational professional, easier to manage, more efficient and productive?”. I have to admit that I was skeptical about changing my planning ways. I have a system that works for me and I won’t be changing that, but I was intrigued by the list-making app Wunderlist. There have been many times that I’ve left my planner at home or at work with my ‘To-Do’ list safely tucked away in it.  So, to have my list always on my phone was very appealing. I decided to try out Wunderlist to help avoid those frustrating times that my planner isn’t where I am!

I created a list on the app that featured many of the things that I hoped to accomplish during the week. I like that the app gives the user the option to create different lists, but I like to have everything I need to do, both personal and professional, in one place. I enjoyed clicking each task when it was completed and watching my list get smaller and smaller! I do wish that there was the option to change the color of each task so I could color-code what needs to get done in each category of my life.

Being able to access the list from my home and work computers or on my phone is really convenient and is one feature that gives my Erin Condren planner a run for its money! Overall, I am glad that I gave this tool a try and I do think that it is something that I will continue to use!


Technologies to Support Teaching

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