Cooking with TPACK

For this week’s activity, I was asked to complete a cooking task using only three randomly selected kitchen tools. Without knowing what I would have to do with the kitchen tools, my fiancé gave me a small plate, a bowl, and a wooden spoon. After drawing a number from a bag, I was matched with my cooking task: make a veggie tray. I was understandably skeptical about being able to complete this task without demolishing the green pepper I had. A wooden spoon probably would’ve been my last choice of utensil for this type of task.  While I wouldn’t take that veggie tray to a party, it ended up getting the job done. Now, at this point you are probably wondering why I am doing a cooking challenge for my Master’s of Educational Technology course, but this activity actually brought to life the idea that educators are constantly repurposing technologies for use in the classroom.

Keeping the Technological Pedagogical Content (TPACK) framework in the forefront of our minds as we plan for our instruction will help us to design the most effective lessons for our students. We won’t always be using technology in the way that it was originally intended to be used, in fact, we hardly ever do that! We were introduced to this idea that there is no such thing as “Educational Technology”, but instead we really have technology in the hands of educators who are repurposing it to take student learning to the next level.

Take a look at the video below to see how I was able to repurpose a tool to complete a cooking task!

Cooking with TPACK

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