Final Thoughts – CEP 811

As I reflect upon the various topics that were explored throughout this semester, it’s so neat to think about how my thinking has developed and changed. I thought putting together a visual representation would be the best way from to display some of my learning. I loved using Piktochart to create an infographic last week so deciding how I wanted to present my thoughts this week was an easy choice! It was definitely one of my favorite tech resource discoveries because I know it will be an engaging tool and the classroom applications are endless!  This class has really opened my eyes to the benefits of making in the classroom. I love that students get to take the lead and work together to solve problems. Not only does making encourage problem solving and learning, but it also supports the character education work we do at our school. I have really enjoyed this class and it has inspired me to think about technology in the classroom in new and exciting ways!


Final Thoughts – CEP 811

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