Assessing Content Management Systems

This week in CEP 813, we were asked to spend dome time digging into three different content management systems to be used for assessments. The three systems I looked into were Google Classroom, Edmodo, and Schoology. I hadn’t had any experience with Google Classroom or Edmodo, but I have had limited experience with Schoology. As I was  looking though each of the systems they each had their areas of strength and weakness when used for assessment. To help organize my finding, my professors provided a chart with specific areas to focus on when deciding which system would best fit our assessment needs. You can access the chart that I used to organize my findings as I looked into each of these three content management systems by clicking here.

Overall, I felt like the best choice for my needs was Schoology. I liked how Schoology made it easy to create rubrics right in the system and the Common Core State Standards are easily connected to the work you create. I also like that the system has a three-layer analytic section to monitor student progress and activity on the system. This system also allows me to create discussion boards for the whole group and small groups. Another benefit of using this system is that the teacher can grade the student responses on the discussion board. The final reason I think Schoology is the best choice for me is that my school district uses Schoology for grades 4 through 12. As a third grade teacher, it could be very helpful for my students to have experience with the system before they move on to using it to receive their official grades in 4th and beyond.

Assessing Content Management Systems

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